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An ENIGMA called pArEnTs !

For me and my own image as one of the boys, it has been a fulfilling experience so far. I have been extremely lucky to be born in the family which I am now. My class- which tells me and more often reminds me the expectations that society around me has. A sacred pact- that tells me, that I can have a house, a car, access to higher education, good meals, a warm bed to sleep on with- it is something that more than half of the population can only dream of. In return, I have to behave myself, act like what my parents wants, constantly think about the societal pressures, pretend that I have no desires, can’t smoke and drink at my own will, can't even be seen buying them, can’t decide which higher education to go for, cant fall in love with a female from a different community and can’t live and enjoy life on my own terms.

This wonderful symbiosis is well explained by my upper middle class parents. Any threat to their respect and status in the society is seriously taken. And when things go out of hand and little sensitive, as it happened in my case it is meticulously dealt with.

They make you sit down, give you a cold glass of water and then in a very soft tone explain you about how going against the well established family tradition is criminal, going against the century old norms is dangerous. They emotionally blackmail you and nine times of out ten they succeed in this exercise.

But the question that begs asking is how much can anybody get dictated. Is it because they have given LIFE to us and hence we have to listen to them every time. Can’t we, for a change, decide what we want in life?

On the other hand, this fragile situation makes me wonder that even I could have negotiated my own way amidst everything, only if I would have reclaimed the I in the beautiful word called LIFE.

And I swear I would reclaim what was already mine, may be tomorrow or day after. I just hope it’s not too LATE


Unknown said…
Dear... there is something serious which has hurt you I presume.... not sure though. But parents are not dictators. They are the best judge. I can prove the same from my personal experience. You have the freedom, but this freedom should not be taken as a LIBERTY... It is not that you are wrong always... but if you are confident that you are right, then you can equaly try to convince them. The keyword here is CONFIDENCE...
Sandeep said…
This problem will never ever stop in India. We have a well established family system wherein the parents nurture and expect their children to go beyond the limits of what they themselves achieved in their own life. By doing so they "kill" their own lives and expect atleast some sort of sacrifice from their children too, be it curbs on excess freedom or whatever they feel is bad for them, their culture, or for the tradition. But guys our family system is much better than the western system wherein the day the baby is born it is left to itself to survive in the harsh world. Some sort of sacrifice is always necessary from both sides. So be ready for your turn now.
madhuri said…
Hey..... After completing the blog i feel something happened which made u to write this but not too sure........just an assumption....
U should be very happy that u r moving along the different paths of life where,in each and every step u have ur parents blessings and support...... so what if they stop u at some times...... Don't u feel they hav the complete rite to do so....Any ways would like to know in detail........
santty said…
truly said. mayb the next generation wil nt face tis problem as we ourself might hve gone through it. our parents feel bad abt it caz they were questioned and correctd by their parents at times whn they wud hve tried crosin the so cald 'laxman rekha'.
bt then things are changing slowly bt surely.
so we might feel the brunt of the difference in generation, but stil rem always our parents love us and its for our wellbeing they warn us. its nt like the movies or serials whr a mother/father/bro/sis conspires against her/his son/daughter/etc.
i dont agree wit sandy, sacrifice is essential at sme point in life, bt then nt where one's own life is at stake, caz at end of day the sacrifice wud hurt nt only self bt our parents too.
shali said…
k....nw here comes my comment...i tnk parents are unjust, becoz dey always want us to lead life according to their terms and conditions,now in many families like mine my parents ,I often get to hear statements like “ go ahead take your decisions and we will support you,you are an adult”.So I end up taking a decision and when i tell them my decision,there are only two things that can happen,if you are to take a step they have dreamt for you always then you get their support or if the decision goes against their likes they would say you can go ahead but we would not support you. But the time i hear i have no support for the ppl whom i love the most i get confused myself and back out. Now,who wins...parents. Moral of the story:in indian families parents are your decision makers and not you,and statements like 'i am an adult and I can take my own decisions' is just an eye wash. So I totally agree with you in the end, you end up thinking who am I and wht do I feel about the world around me……
sweety said…
hey...i read ur blog...its true that parents blackmail us EMOTIONALLY...but its our thinking....our parents try to share their experience with us which is mistaken by us but its not our it?
Poonam said…
I liked wat u wrote and to some extent I can relate to it as well..But dude don't give up. The key here is to learn how to have good communication with ur me in 5 out 10 cases parents bend to their children's wishes.
ofcourse if u think ur parents are rite listen to them. But if u think ur rite then rationally put ur word across. Make sure u have all points covered.
Never ignore any piece of advice from them. Listen to it and take how much u wanna. And as far as liking a girl outside community goes, well i hope u dont regret dat decision. Dude i shall kill u. and if ur meant to be wid some1 outside ur community nothing wil stop dat.
Jinnesh said…
There are two ways to live your life, one is to face it with fortitude and other way by being impotent, feels gr8 to hear this kind of statements, but the question is are we ready to face our own dynasty.. rightly said don't be surprised if next generations take up this bold steps which haven't dream t to take
Tapan said…
This is not only ur problem dear, everyone round in this world, living in Upper middle class or middle class family BOY, suffers from the same kinda problem... Parents treat us exactly the same way, they have been treated, they don't understand it is 21st century, they treat us lik they have been treated in 70's 80's or 90's. But, if we want to change this world, we have to fight for our rights!!! N we r only ones who can change this society...
Sameer Kulkarni said…
Though my experience is not exactly the same... I totally agree with your views...

But you know what... every relationship has a "give and take" in it... parents-child is no exception...

Do read my blogs too.. http://Blog WithATwist.WordPress.Com


Nethra said…
This is the story of every lower and upper middle class family. But, I believe in following ones passion. It is very difficult, but we gotta find a way. Hope, you too will find a way to follow your passion.
Gopi (Gopesh) said…
Its difficult to say anything..... but yeah we should be 100 % confidence on our decision.
Unknown said…
hi nice article friend. in todays world of hate atleast someone talking for luv.
some times rules and regulations make us want to rebel againt them.I am sure if you thought of this situation in a mature and rational way then you can talk to your parents and put your view point forward.Maybe no one has ever made them realise how unhappy you are.Try talking to them you may be surprised that your parents may not even be aware of the impact their behavioural rules are making on you.I am sure acompromise can be reached after all all parents want happiness for their kids. they are not dictators.

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