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Single and (not yet) ready 2 mingle...

It’s the time of the year again, when the whole day is devoted to couples and all other days take a backseat. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day again. According to Wikipedia, it is a traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other, sending out Valentine’s card, candy or donations to charities, often anonymously.

The time has come once again to ask one of the more personal questions: Why am I still single. But I guess, being single has its advantages I don’t mind being single. Really, I don’t as being single provides me a sense of freedom, independence, ample time to personal grooming and did I mention FREEDOM…yes u r damn right I did

It will take a lot for me to want to get in to a relationship again. So during this Valentine’s Day, I am going to celebrate independence, freedom and the opportunity to love myself. What if I can’t celebrate with a lover, I shall celebrate it with a friend. Just on the other hand, who wants to celebrate it with me? I am still available for dates. LOL

Happy Valentine's Day!


Poonam said…
Valentine's Day can b so different for different ppl...i mean der some who r now a couple, der r others who r no more a couple and some jus happy 2 single...
being single does have its advantages u no....meeting new ppl all d freedom etc etc....but 2 b wid some1 u love and if dat person loves u its d greatest feeling....and i hope u have it too...coz u deserve much better so dude i will surely hope dat cuppid does strike u soon...
santty said…
hving a valentine is nt a issue. i mean if we look at generation next to ours these guyz and gals jst 18 or something bt stil dating and all.........think bac wht were we doin at tis age.......doin shit i think....
man u pointd one thing better to wait til u find a person who undertands u and ha...u may date wit close frnds of urs too til tht time .......who may knw.........the close frnds might be the person u looking out for.....there is a sayin na "BAGHAL MAI CHURRI AUR PURRE GAON MAI DANDHORA" wht say?? close frnds might/can be the ideal date?? can they???
Pradeep Kandari said…
Thats very true....freedom is most important aspect for a guy specially when he has gone through the hell of being with a b***h......people have a myth that they need a partner for clebrating valentine's day.....i liked the idea of clebrating independence day on "V" last i wud only say that i'l prefer to be single rather than going around with a b***h.....
shali said…
valentine day hmmmmmmm......1 BIG advantage of being single on dis day , u cn fantacize abt dat perfect person n ur life who may never exist, jst tnk’ng abt hm mkes me feel gud,love s a feel’ng which blossoms all thru da yr,dis day adds spice 2 da wonderful moments 2 ppl share together…it shld be celebrated wid all da ppl u love….so being single isn’t bad at all……
Harish said…
Dude its all about the way you want it to be. In some situation its the truth which is bitter. So dude there are other days which we are not concerned about, so why to make a huge fuss out for a valentines day. Be happy that you were not one of the bakras for the Archies marketing team.
Unknown said…
Being Single does have its advantages, but when you're single, don't you feel that primal urge when you see someone who appeals to you?

Being single is fun, but there's always a feeling that you're missing something.....

And about finding your Perfect Match and all, Isnt it wasteful to keep looking for Ms. Perfect or Mr. Perfect when you have the best ever possible partner among your friends? I mean, it's really important to find someone understands you and all, but Its futile to keep waiting for the ideal person.

You have a good blog here!
sweety said…
who said that valentine is to be celebrated only with you lover.....?its not at all written in any it?although if its written,i thank god ki i haven't read it....anyways,i will be celebrating this valentine with all my loved best friends and my family......wht about all?don't wait for a lover to celebrate ur valentine...celebrate it with you beloved ones and make this day more special.....

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