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The dying art of conversations!

When was the last time you dined with your loved ones, by only looking and admiring at them ? When was the last vacation you took where you actually spent a large amount of time talking, conversing and debating on any topic that you like instead of heavy sight seeing and clicking pictures? When was the last time you actually 'saw and soaked in' to the place that you visited? 

I presume, I know the answer - NEVER.. 

Going out on vacations, dinners, cinema halls, malls or anywhere has simply become a quest or a contest for 'posing' and putting those pictures on social media which magically multiples our joy by counting 'likes' and 'comments' (that doesn't mean someone actually likes us).

I believe, good conversations are like food for the soul and creating or having a mind-blowing conversation is a piece of art and people should be interested and willing to converse as much as they can but strangely, majority of our present generation either are unaware or don't believe in this concept or are just too busy in clicking selfies or simply don't care. 

Cinema (read Bollywood & television) also plays an important role in shaping the minds of the masses in our country. To the best of my knowledge, there are hardly any movies that depict the importance of conversation in a relationship and the effects of pleasure, joy, romance and chemistry it brings to it. Unlike Hollywood movies where I have seen that a lot of emphasis is placed on the exchange of dialogues between the leads which gives rise to conversations and it is magical to see and learn from such scenes and movies. 

I think, the root cause of the lack of conversations is that people are not trying at all and I suspect, with the advent of technology, internet and social media, there are enough distractions and the 'good old conversation' which was anywhich ways rare has now become obsolete and has been replaced by a lazy bunch of posers and who are eager to be on the social media rather than living in the present moment. 

May be, I am old school. May be, it's not ruined, it's merely different now but I can guarantee one thing - once you start having long and deep conversations in any relationship, you will forget everything else and will be wanting to talk more. It's like morphine, you will keep coming back for more. 

For people who want to initiate conversations - figure out what you want to say, the story you want to tell and then tell it wholeheartedly with intent. Soon it takes the shape of a conversation and gradually, it becomes a habit. 

Try it, once ! 


GauriN said…
Too good insight. It’s really needed
amitdhole said…
Social media conversations are far more important than actual human/face to face interactions in this era

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