"Stop telling kids they can be whatever they want to be. You can be whatever you're good at, as long as they're hiring. And even then it helps to know someone." -- Chris Rock
Got me thinking -- we usually tell our kids that they can become 'anybody' they want when they grow-up which is totally alright but at the same breath, we forget to 'stress on the fact' that for that 'anybody' to happen, they need to work hard(est), persevere, have right connections, a mentor who gives them an opportunity, lots of luck and so so many other things which again have to fall at the 'right place and at the right time' for them.
My daughter is 7 years old and she wants to be an astronaut when she grows-up, which is totally normal at that age but as a parent, it's my responsibility to figure out her 'talent' vs the 'resources available', as she grows-up and course-correct where needed and steer her ambition in the right direction so that I can maintain the right balance between her aspirations and reality.
I believe, as a parent, the onus is on us, to help our children not to continue to live in a 'myth' but to help them figure out the talent they have and nurture that talent to bring the best out of them. Every child is unique and I believe, every child has that special 'something' in him.
Did you know, Sachin Tendulkar wanted to be a fast bowler and Amitabh Bachchan wanted to be a Radio Jockey? Imagine, if their wishes would have come true...
I stumbled upon a show on Netflix called 'Trigger Warning with Killer Mike' where he addresses a group of 7 year old 'over the top aspirational' kids that and I quote 'You owe your parents not to dream big. You know, you owe it to your parents to dream practical and start making money as soon as you can'
How about that, for an advice?