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Reflections: 26/11 and beyond

The first anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks is slowly approaching and it’s a good time to introspect and take stock of the situation. On 26th November last year, despite all the warnings and intelligence reports of an attack in any form, Mumbai was attacked by ten terrorists who took the easy way inside our territory- the sea.
I don’t think anyone anywhere alive on that day will ever forget the shock and agony that struck and gripped Mumbai for more than 78 hours and permanently etched a terror scar on India. Even though we mourn the deaths of so many innocent people during the attacks, this dark incident has touched every Indian.

But what about our response?

It has been cold, naïve and irresponsible. The Indian government’s response to 26/11 has been woefully inept and shoddy. We still have not succeeded in putting more international pressure on Pakistan to bring the perpetrators to book. The AJMAL KASAB hangover is still looming large on us. We keep on sending dossiers and Pakistan keeps on rejecting it.

After 26/11 our country lost a real time opportunity to put more pressure on Pakistan and eliminate the state sponsored terrorism there once and for all, otherwise who can explain that the Pakistani government virtually arrested, freed and then again put Mr Hafeez Saeed, Chief of LET and master mind behind 26/11 under house arrest. (Last heard he is having a great time in this house arrest stint).We failed to stop the military aid that Pakistan receives from the US government that is easily been diverted to fund the terrorist operations against us. Our foreign policy has failed miserably. The Indian government and its policies have been caught once again sleeping.

Is there something wrong with the democratic systems we flaunt? When the entire world is looking up to India for its economic growth (Read: 7 %) and domestic demand and terming it to be the GROWTH DRIVERS in the new era, why do we tend to look backward when such intrinsic issues are concerned. Why don’t we muscle our economic power and get decisions in our favour. If we are so powerful then why are we simultaneously so powerless?

Can we get an assurance from the prime minister that the attacks would stop once and for all? Can we learn anything from America, United Kingdom in how they prevented in another 9/11, 7/7 to happen again.

Many terror attacks later ( Mumbai, Malegaon, Imphal, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gujarat etc)  the centre and the state governments are still planning and trying to implement the security frame work of our country and by the time this planning is turned in to action, expect more anarchy. It’s scary but it’s true.

It’s just not the danger from the elements across the border but what about our own home grown terrorism. The threat from the Maoists is getting even bigger than the cross border infiltration. The red corridor which is under the Maoists control is inhabited by poor peasants and tribals. They have been supporting the Maoists as these poor people have lost faith in the government to protect them from mining mafia, forest contractors, the men wearing khaki and the representatives getting elected through the democratic election process.
Madhu Koda, former chief minister of Jharkhand is a case in point. He is an example on how the elected representative neglects the poor and the needy and in turn makes lots of money. (Read: 4000 crore).Last heard he is scot free and campaigning for the five phase state assembly elections in Jharkhand.How low can the system go?

Is there any transparent mechanism from the state or the centre to combat Maoists?  Is there any intention and simultaneous action to solve the Maoists problem once and for all and win the confidence of the poor people who have been neglected so far?

The answer is a blunt NO.

Confidence building among the citizens is a humongous task, especially after what our country has been going through. We need less talk and more action. Less planning commissions more of implementation. Less promises more delivery. Less whining more accountability. Less questions and more answers. Less oldies more youngsters in the government, Less old faces more fresher’s.
But is anybody listening?

p.s. If we all remember, in 1993 prominent places in Mumbai were attacked by Dawood Ibrahim and his men when 13 explosions simultaneously rocked Mumbai killing 257 and injuring 700. In all 7000 kg of explosives were brought in to Mumbai through the same sea route and ironically our coast and navy guards were even prepared then for any eventualities.

I hope we learned anything from 26/11 because we didn’t learn anything from 1993. Till that time who knows the next terror victim can either be you or even me.



Jasmine said…
I loved this post of yours! Being born in 1991, I didn't have much idea of the '93 terror attacks. A very enlightening post I must say! :-)
Unknown said…
a good compilation of all terror events in a sardonic but intelligent way.. your anger is very well put forth by you in a mature and simplistic manner.. loved the post.. especially the suggestions you've put forth wherein you've mentioned that we need more of action and less of talk.. well written.. you have the knack.. :-)
Jinnesh said…
hoooooooo that’s too classic my dear friend, i sincerely feel what happened in 93 was a shame and 26/11 was like adding a little salt and pepper for us to always remember how helpless and exposed is our system today. We haven’t changed right from 1993 to 2009. You have actually provided some good suggestions to act upon like we need more of action and less of talk.
Let’s hope that some leaders peek into your blog and steal some innovative suggestions which could really lead us to the path of glory. (I know am bit optimistic) Let’s hope.... :-)
It was a sad day for all involved and hopefully the survivors have managed to put it behind them and move on.Your suggestions are commendable.Good post.
a very nice post man......reminded everything about 26/11
Neha said…
you write well!

i personally dont like blame games

Unknown said…
No prime minister/president can ever promise that it wont happen again because someday it will happen again especially in a diversified country like India. One of the problem is India is not that developed country.India does not have all the resources for a good intelligence dept like USA or Israel. this is big problem second being diversified country has its downs. if you have noticed the developments lately, we have to worry about homegrown terrorists. India has a big islam population. while not all muslims are terrorists, there are quite few who have radical thoughts. those are ready to attack india either because they are poor or because of their strong religious beliefs. This is the same problem USA is facing now, This is where we need great intelligence. Our govt is being soft on this because they are scared of muslim votes. traditionaly India is not that friendly with USA but that has to change because only USA can put any pressure on PAK to action on terrorists.
shali said…
i completely agree with your views.and you have written this piece beautifully.Things in India can change if the attitude of the indian people change (hold true for majority of the people).Until and unless something does not happen to us personally we would not fight back and our nation takes a back seat, because many of us are still fighting to satisfy our basic need like food and shelther or just want to remain ignorant and feel things will return back to normal,so why should the global problem of terrorism concern majority of the nation who reside below the poverty line or neither the middle class who feel the attack was an attack directed towards the elite class.Once attitutes change we can see changes in the people who govern our country.
vineet said…
very good wrk...eye-opener...
Nice Writing skills... People have begun doubting the Mumbai Spirit now..... Wondering if its the same as "Chalta Hai" Attitude...

Are we waiting for something bigger and worse to wake us up?
Anonymous said…
i completely second your motion...
hope some minister finally awakes from the long hibernation to get a realistic perspective and finally change the course of things!!!
terenze said…
Hi... nice to see a post like this... As every one know, pak is sending the terriosts to india and its been supported by US gov. You know, Maoists fights only for people ,they never involve in serial killing or mercyless killings, but its started now. They killed a police man mercilessly.. All involved money from different parts of country...
We need to find out the odd man out in our country... I feel indian muslim, like india very much.. but there are people who still helps the terriorts to attack India. First we need to stop it, we need to find the odd man sitting next u at office, theatre, church, school, college etc...
Best thing is hang kazab first, kill the terriots, but, how many police or millitary officials died because of HUMAN RIGHTS... these are the main problem in india... they never come when a single man kills 100's of innocent people... when a police or millitary forces, comes against him, thats all the human rights comes there... not to use bullets, not to shoot, we have to catch them alive... do we gng to do any thing with those guys... just kill him...
My friend is in military, he is fighting against Maoists at present... as per his statement, they dont have rights to shoot the maoists until maoist uses their gun or tried to attack them.... Is this the way we deal...
Sandeep said…
Sandeep said…
Alekhya said…
Gud work ,well written , it was a sad day and hope tat will never repeat again.

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