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Democracy is slowly turning in to a Mockery !

Something’s gone horribly wrong with Maharashtra. Don’t look at the shining malls, multi crore airports, fancy cars launched almost every day- The real Maharashtra bravely survives on a BARE MINIMUM.

The stinky slums, over populated urban clusters, overcrowded local trains, pot holed roads, poor infrastructure, pathetic urban planning,neglected villages,shocking cases of farmer suicides, long hours of power cut, the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor and desperate faces with HOPE amidst corruption and complete indifference towards people. The entire script of the state has turned in to FARCE.

In the last 2 decades, successive governments got ample opportunities to bring about the CHANGE, to make growth happen, to transform the lives of people who live in SUB HUMAN conditions. But did any political party measured up to their expectations?

The answer, I am afraid, is NO.

 In the last 60 years every political party has enjoyed POWER and every WORTHLESS person has been tried as a LEADER. But things have only gone from BAD to WORSE. I have lost faith in the entire political system and to my worst dismay, PATIENCE is slowly running out in me.

By the way, the MAHARASHTRA STATE ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS are being held on 13th October 2009.


p.s. I hope at some stage the entire 100 % population stays at home on an election day and then the  CORRUPT system collapses on it's own and a new era of GROWTH, PEACE and PROSPERITY will begin



Jinnesh said…
I think its high time for this corrupt politicians to give way to new dynamic and young guns of India to lead the way towards growth and prosperity, and this could be the only way to do it, anti-Vote is going to work for them and not against it, I seriously feel that we should not waste our voting power instead vote for the best and hope for the best.....
Sandeep said…
Not quite agree with Not to Vote philosophy. Rest is the same old story of our Largest Democracy in the world.
shali said…
I totally agree with you and i beleive people who would voe today are doing it without knowing wether it is for the betterement of the future,they are doing it as a duty.
Unknown said…
No voting may not be a correct solution to our issues. As Gandhiji has rightly said 'Be the change you want to see in the world tomorrow'. There are some actions which we need to take and we should vote wisely. If there is no suitable vote in your constitution, you may cast a blank vote... it has to be counted though. We need to act on the issues together... without waiting for the corrupt politicians to promise the same to us. Politics as a whole is not bad... It is a system we have made for ourselves. The strings are in the wrong hands. And thats the truth.
santty said…
i completely disagree......standing out and abusing the system doesnt do any good at all.
u can surely argue tht by voting wht good i m doin to the system.for wic i wont hve any concrete answer, same as u wont hve if i ask u wht good u doin by nt voting.

if u look at things nw, candidates are improving more and more ppl are takin things seriously. democracy is slowly bt steadly finding its route. its so easy to stand outside and say the drainage is foul and sticky, bt atleast me need to get in and try cleaning it smeday.
i knw u hve lot to tel me in tis.....we wil keep tht for whn we meet up :)
lets nt enjoy it as a holiday........lets respect the democracy
Amogh Desai said…
Even i dont agree with Not to Vote philosophy... the rest story remains same... but to keep a check on politicians.... we need to question them... we have a tool called RTI... go n ask them... if an announcement is made of huge funds for farmers... then we can take help of NGOs or come in groups n ask them where has the money gone... n whats the status... they should be afraid f ppl... so in all "ASK THEM QUESTIONS" can be a philosophy... tht can be thought of...
Anonymous said…
This is not only in mumbai or maharashtra. anywhere you go in India its a same thing happening.
i totally disagree with not to vote philosophy and rest i agree with what AMD said in his comment.
the lady said…
I agree with what Asha says,as in Gandhi's quote,,,

I wish not to make any politically incorrect statement here,but why do you sound frustrated??There is always scope for development,,we are doomed the day we believe "We can't".
You are one among the youth with a social outlook,isn't that a proof that the change is no more a mirage?
Anonymous said…
I think i suppose to follow you're blog, but i cannot find the click botton. then how....?
Anonymous said…
Philosophically voting looks to be the ideal tool to get the best but practically when some body goes through these politician's profile we suddenly realise that we should vote the BAD ONE OUT OF THE WORST and once he comes to power he becomes the WORST ONE.. then i heard people talking about RTI...Thanks to britishers atleast we now have a chance to travel like cattles in local trains or else the so called Maharashtra government(any party) is just pouring sympathies and no action to this pathetic travelling situation... When government can ignore electricity,travelling and basic amenities then dont expect RTI act to do miracles... I, of course, refused to vote under duress. Also because all major candidates, in my constituency have serious
criminal charges against their names.
Varun said…
Well, i don't agree with the not to vote policy and thinking, the rest however, has been read and registered. One thing that i want to ask is:-

"Its easy to find problems, everybody does that, but who suggests the solutions???"
Unknown said…
Very intresting topic to think about. The only way to improve our crop of leaders is to improve ourselves as a people. I think our leaders reflect all that is good and bad within our culture. We are the leaders of tomorrow.Lets give these leaders a tough time by getting into the system. Keep the faith and keep pressing on - Change has to come someday....
Gopesh said…
Yeah , we should really stop voting such kind of politicians.Graduate people only should get the tickets . Hope it will work and will be the solution to solve such kind of problems and lots more. It should be try once accordingly.
Unknown said…
Your anger is justified! But 'not voting' is not the solution.. Instead, using the option of Rule 49-0 could be better.. I know that not all polling booths have this option.. But if people collectively raise their voices, changes will take place.. If the politicians are sleeping, the citizens are no good either.. Look at the increasing crime rate in our country! Look at how irresponsible we citizens are! The reason India's global image is dwindling is not just bad politics, but also the lackadaisical attitude of the average Indian citizen!

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